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What We Do

Don’t know where and how to start your MBA journey?

Not sure how competitive your profile is for your preferred MBA program?

Are you anxious about going through the entire admissions process?

Fret not! Team FLY is at your service! Who better to guide you than the ones who've been through the journey and made it to the other side?

We intend to create our mark by helping candidates reach their education goals.We want to be the support system during your MBA admissions journey and help folks get through the process with “Fly”-ing colours!

So basically another MBA consultancy you say?

Well, we are not everything to everyone. We only operate where we have significant expertise.


We currently help prospective ISB candidates with profile positioning, essay critiques, and interview preparations. We intend to extend our breadth of offerings for candidates applying to other schools in the future (watch out 😊).

What sets FLY apart?

Been there, done that!

Our mentors are all ISB alumni who have been in your shoes and understand the intricacies of the admissions process.

Your Partner in success

We're your trusted ally. We understand the admissions process can be daunting. Therefore, we proactively check in to ensure you're ready for the next stage of the admissions journey and also offer constructive feedback on your progress.

Lightning Fast response times

We pride ourselves on delivering prompt results. Our turnaround time in executing multiple steps of our service offerings is typically within 24 hours, ensuring you stay on track with your goals.

Affordable Pricing

We strongly believe that pursuing an MBA shouldn't break the bank. Our services are most economically priced to make your dream more accessible.

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