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Privacy Policy

By visiting (“Website”) you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Website. 

Information Collected

We may collect personal identification information from you (eg: name, phone number, email ID etc.) when you use one of our services. We collect this information so that we can offer our customized services; resolve any disputes; troubleshoot problems; collect money; measure consumer interest in our products and services; inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates.

We may automatically collect information including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, and other information about the way you use our services.


We send cookies to your computer to optimize our user experience. Cookies are generally used to track your preferences. You may choose to set the web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, please note that some parts of our Website may not function properly.


Third Parties

We may share personal information with our other corporate entities and affiliates to help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud and other potentially illegal acts; correlate related or multiple accounts to prevent abuse of our services; and to facilitate joint or co-branded services that you request where such services are provided by more than one corporate entity. Those entities and affiliates may not market to you as a result of such sharing unless you explicitly opt-in.
We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process.

Our Website links to other websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. Fly is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those linked websites.

Every user of our Application/Services/Website must be in a position to provide informed consent prior to providing any Information. Therefore, by registering with us, you are providing your consent to our collection, processing, storing, disclosing and handling of your information as set forth in this Policy now and as amended by us. Entire data handling process would be in accordance with the applicable data protection laws of India.


If you have any other questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at 

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