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Terms of Use

​These Terms of Use govern your use of the Website. By registering and using this Website, you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) in full. Please do not use this website if you do not agree to any of these Terms of Use.


​​Access to Services

After Registering for our Services, Fly grants you a non-transferable personal license to access and use such service. You accept that any information provided by you will be accurate and up to date.​

Post registration, we would need additional information related to the person who is accessing our services in order to provide customized services. Kindly share when and as requested. Documents like government IDs are not needed and hence do not disclose any such information.​

We would not be responsible for any abnormal behaviour of any person dealing with you while offering the selected service. However, we welcome any suggestion and feedback in order to improve our services.


​​General Terms

Fly is not responsible for any abnormality (eg: website interruptions) related to your access to the website. You are requested not to use our Website to market or sell our services. You are also requested not to use mechanized processes like web crawlers to access the Website.​

You agree that you would indemnify and defend Fly from all damages, expenses and liabilities that may arise from your use of this Website. There would be no waiver of any of the Terms of Use.


​Payments ​

There would be no Refunds given except in the event of non-delivery of service. Once you register for the service, we will reach out to you to make the payment before commencing the selected service. We offer payment methods like UPI to make payments. Kindly follow all the steps as suggested. ​​Entire Agreement​.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Fly in relation to your use of this Website, and supersede all previous agreements in respect to your use of this Website.

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